
We want all hall users and volunteers to be safe while at Tretower Village Hall and to minimise risks associated with the transmission of covid-19, hall users must abide to the special conditions for hall hire as outlined below. 

Special conditions for hall hire

1. The hirer is responsible for ensuring those attending the activity permitted under the current Regulations comply with the COVID-19 Secure Guidelines while entering and occupying the hall. Including following the areas for minimising risk of infection as stated in the Regulations. 

2. By hiring the Hall, you agree to comply with the actions identified in the hall’s risk assessment displayed in the hall.

3. The hall will be cleaned before you arrive and unless agreed otherwise you will be responsible for cleaning all regularly used surfaces during your period of hire (including tables, wash hand basins, door handles) using either the products supplied or your own ordinary domestic products.

4. You will make sure that everyone likely to attend your activity or event understands that they MUST NOT DO SO if they or anyone in their household has had COVID-19 symptoms in the last 7 days, and that if they develop symptoms within 7 days of visiting the premises they MUST use the Test, Track and Trace system to alert others with whom they have been in contact 

5. You will ensure the Hall is well ventilated by opening windows and doors during your Hall hire and ensuring they are closed at the end of your use of the Hall.

6. Hall users should be reminded of the importance of physically distancing from others to reduce the risk of virus transmission. 

7. You will be responsible for the disposal of all rubbish created during your hire, including tissues and cleaning cloths taking all rubbish away with you when you leave the hall.

8. The Hall Committee reserves the right to close the hall if there are safety concerns relating to COVID-19, for example, if someone who has attended the hall develops symptoms and thorough cleansing is required or if it is reported that the Special Hiring Conditions above are not being complied with, whether by you or by other hirers, or in the event that public buildings are asked or required to close again. If this is necessary, we will do our best to inform you promptly and you will not be charged for this hire.

If you have any queries or concerns please contact us.